I hate boxing myself into one thing. Society loves to act like it’s one-note, but we all secretly know it’s a multi-layered onion of chaos. Still, we pretend to be as one-dimensional as possible, clinging to this curated image of who we think we are. But hey, I’m an artist, not a therapist, so I’ll shut up before I accidentally unpack something heavy.
Anyway, my point: when I find something different or niche that fascinates me, I dive in headfirst. That said, trends and aesthetics are as fleeting as my attention span, and my interests tend to follow suit. But here’s the thing—I don’t just toss out those pieces of myself. I keep them around, like little breadcrumbs of personal growth. Down below, you’ll find all the style selections that not only intrigue me but also immediately gain aura imo.